

The DICG has created and curated the following resources to educate and inform physicians, patients, professional societies, and others who are interested in organ trafficking and transplanting. To contribute to this page please contact the DICG Executive Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Patient Brochure - Thinking about a Kidney?

The Patient Brochure was developed by the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group.

It is currently available for download in 18 languages.

You can help support the DICG by translating the brochure into your language (if not already available) and sending your translation to the DICG Executive Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Click to see the downloadable patient brochure in all available languages

Language Description Download Link
العربية (Arabic) المريض كتيب تحميل
病人手册 (Chinese) 简体中文 低分辨率 高分辨率
English Patient Brochure - A4 Size Download
English Patient Brochure - Legal Size Download
Español (Spanish) Paciente Folleto baja resolución alta resolución
Français (French) Patient Brochure basse résolution haute résolution
עברית (Hebrew) החולה חוברת רזולוציה נמוכה ‎‎ברזולוציה גבוהה
हिन्दी (Hindi) रोगी पुस्तिका डाउनलोड
日本 (Japanese) 患者のパンフレット ダウンロード
한국어 (Korean) 환자 브로셔 지금 다운로드
Melayu (Malay) Brosur pesakit resolusi rendah
Português (Portugese) Paciente Folheto baixa resolução Alta Resolução
Punjabi Patient Brochure Download
Română (Romanian) Brosura pacient rezoluţie mică de înaltă rezoluţie
Русский (Russian) Брошюра пациента скачать
Swedish Patient Brochure Download
Tagalog Patient Brochure Download
Telugu Patient Brochure Download
Tamil Patient Brochure Download

Watch the video version of the patient brochure (available in English only)


The DICG Public Library

The DICG Course On Ethical Issues in Transplantation And The Declaration of Istanbul

Nancy Ascher gives a quick overview of the Declaration of Istanbul. To participate in the full course and to learn more click below

Click here to access the course

Policy documents related to organ trafficking

Additional Resources

Policy on Meeting Content

Policy on Meeting Content for Use by Organizations that Have Endorsed The Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism

Click to View (opens info below)

Policy on Meeting Content for Use by Organizations that Have Endorsed The Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism

The following recommendations are based on practical experience obtained during the preparation of the academic content of meetings sponsored or supported by The Transplantation Society. These recommendations do not intend to prevent academic examination of controversial issues in organ transplantation. Rather, they aim simply aim to ensure that the organizations that have endorsed the Declaration of Istanbul do not confer academic prestige or professional acceptance on individuals or groups whose actual practices undermine the objectives of the Declaration of Istanbul or involve the use of organs or tissues from executed prisoners. The denial of approval to such individuals and groups seeks particularly to promote ethical and effective organ transplant practices in countries that are struggling to overcome organ trafficking and transplant tourism.

  • All abstract submission forms should include a statement to the effect that: "The authors attest that (a) all data (clinical findings, description of clinical material, etc.) were derived from research and clinical activities carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Istanbul and (b) executed prisoners were not the source of organs or tissues in any of the activities reported."
  • Abstract reviewers should be instructed to pay particular attention to submissions from countries designated by the World Health Organization as organ trafficking "hotspots."
  • Abstracts that raise concern should be "tagged" and reviewed by the meeting's program planners. The authors of tagged abstracts should be notified of the questions raised concerning their submissions and should be asked to respond to the questions and to confirm that the activities reported were carried out consistently with the Declaration of Istanbul. Should the response received from the authors be unsatisfactory (or absent), the abstract should be rejected.
  • The restrictions applicable to authors of abstracts should also be applied to invited speakers. The simplest means of conveying the expectation that such speakers will not present data from activities that are inconsistent with the principles of the Declaration of Istanbul is to ask each speaker to include the statement in Point 1 in his or her acceptance letter. Further, program planners should not invite any person known to have engaged in activities that are inconsistent with the Principles of the Declaration of Istanbul or that rely on organs or tissues from executed prisoners to address the meeting (other than to participate in a discussion of the merits of the Declaration or a comparable issue) unless such person has provided credible assurance that he or she no longer engages in such activities.

Articles Related to Organ Trafficking

Click to view relevant articles

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The DICG is happy to participate in the UNDOC's World Day Against Trafficking in Persons campaign. We invite you to share our posters and website.

Click Here To Learn More

DICG video library

Recordings From Recent Webinars, Congresses and Online Activities

Click here to watch


The Mission of the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) is to promote, implement and uphold the Declaration of Istanbul so as to combat organ trafficking, transplant tourism and transplant commercialism and to encourage adoption of effective and ethical transplantation practices around the world.

How to Get Involved with the DICG

Learn how you can contribute to our collective efforts in addressing these crucial issues.

  • For Patients:

    Circular Image

    For Patients

    For Patients

    The DICG doesn’t work directly with patients, but you can support our work by: 

    • downloading the patient brochure and discuss it with your health care providers.
    • following us on Social Media
  • For Physicians

    Circular Image

    For Physicians

    For Physicians

    You can support the DICG by:

    • studying our resource page and materials.
    • becoming familiar with The Declaration.
    • understanding your responsibility regarding organ trafficking as a physician.
    • familiarizing yourself with local laws so you know your legal responsibilities. 
    • reaching out to the DICG if you suspect a case of organ trafficking or commercialization.
  • For Researchers

    Circular Image

    For Researchers

    For Researchers

    The DICG is always looking for people interested in conducting research to further our mission.

    • Contact us and let us know how we can support your work.
  • For Organizations

    Circular Image

    For Organizations

    For Organizations

    For organizations whose work and mission aligns with the DICG:

    • Consider endorsing the DOI.  
    • Link to and learn about the DICG. 
    • The DICG will participate in local conferences and collaborate on educational materials. Reach out to see if we can help further your work.
  • For the Media

    Circular Image

    For the Media

    For the Media

    Please reach out and let us know if we can support your stories and provide information.

  • For Law Enforcement

    Circular Image

    For Law Enforcement

  • For Members of Government and Governmental Organizations

    Circular Image

    For Members of Government and Governmental Organizations

    For Members of Government and Governmental Organizations

    The DICG has consulted in legislation and assisted in legislation to provide governance on unethical and illegal trafficking. Please reach out and let us know if we can provide information.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

DICG's Participation in The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

We are happy to be participating in the UNDOC's World Day Against Trafficking in Persons!

All forms of human trafficking take advantage of the most vulnerable people for profit, with complete disregard for human safety and dignity. In human trafficking for organ removal (HTOR), two groups of people are being exploited: those who are desperately seeking a transplant for some form of organ failure and those who are so poor that they are lured into selling an organ. We want to highlight HTOR because it deserves as much attention as other forms of human trafficking but may be more challenging to understand and investigate because of the medical aspects of the crime.

We have observed that many people working against human trafficking in general are not very aware of the aspect of human trafficking for the removal of organs. And we have also observed that there seems to be waning interest and awareness of the problem among medical professionals. This is the reason why the DICG decided to participate in the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons which the United Nations has declared to be on July 30th every year.

More information about trafficking in persons for organ removal can be found at:

We created this poster to reach non-government organizations (NGOs) working against any form of human trafficking. We realize human trafficking for organ removal is a small percentage of all human trafficking world-wide. However, it is important for NGOs to be aware of this problem.

We welcome you to help us reach your colleagues by putting up our poster on your website or social media page.

We have translated the posters into a couple languages. Use the buttons below to download the poster in your chosen language.

*for additional translations please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We created this poster to highlight that medical professionals may be involved in human trafficking without realizing they are committing a crime. Physicians, nurses, hospital administrators, transplant coordinators... should know who a patient's organ donor is. Have they been trafficked? Have they sold their organ? What is their relationship to the recipient?

We welcome you to help us promote our poster on your website or social media page. We also welcome you to read a key publication from 2017 on the key role of health professionals in preventing and combating transplant-related crimes

Publication: Health Professionals and Transplant Related Crimes

We have translated the posters into a couple languages. Use the buttons below to download the poster in your chosen language.

*for additional translations please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

DICG's Participation in The World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

We are happy to be participating in the UNDOC's World Day Against Trafficking in Persons!

As you are probably aware, all forms of human trafficking, including that for organ removal continues to be a problem in many parts of the world.  The Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG) is most appreciative of your endorsement of the Declaration of Istanbul and seeks to continuously raise awareness and look for effective strategies against organ trafficking.

One of these strategies is the observance of  World Day Against Trafficking in Persons which has been declared by the United Nations to be on July 30 every year.  In 2023, we started by disseminating some posters for raising awareness (attached and also viewable at the DICG website).

More information about trafficking in persons for organ removal can be found at:

Click Here to Submit A Red Flag

This year, we have chosen the theme “Recognizing red flags for organ trafficking”.  We would like to seek your active support and these are the ways that you can help:

  1. Disseminate the poster to all your colleagues.
  2. Help us identify additional “red flags” (warning signs that a potential donor is at high risk for trafficking) by clicking here.
  3. Watch the recorded webinar from July 30th, 2024.

We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.


*Please help us by sending translations of this poster to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2023 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Patient Brochure

Thinking about a Kidney?

The Patient Brochure developed by the Custodian Group is now available to download.

As they become available, we will post more translations of the document on this page. Please check back.


Language Description Download Link
العربية (Arabic) المريض كتيب تحميل
病人手册 (Chinese) 简体中文 低分辨率 高分辨率
English Patient Brochure - A4 Size Download
English Patient Brochure - Legal Size Download
Español (Spanish) Paciente Folleto baja resolución alta resolución
Français (French) Patient Brochure basse résolution haute résolution
עברית (Hebrew) החולה חוברת רזולוציה נמוכה ‎‎ברזולוציה גבוהה
हिन्दी (Hindi) रोगी पुस्तिका डाउनलोड
日本 (Japanese) 患者のパンフレット ダウンロード
한국어 (Korean) 환자 브로셔 지금 다운로드
Melayu (Malay) Brosur pesakit resolusi rendah
Português (Portugese) Paciente Folheto baixa resolução Alta Resolução
Punjabi Patient Brochure Download
Română (Romanian) Brosura pacient rezoluţie mică de înaltă rezoluţie
Русский (Russian) Брошюра пациента скачать
Swedish Patient Brochure Download
Tagalog Patient Brochure Download
Telugu Patient Brochure Download
Tamil Patient Brochure Download


Staff Directory: 1-514-874-1717
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Social Media



The Transplantation Society
International Headquarters
740 Notre-Dame Ouest, Suite 1245
Montréal, QC, H3C 3X6, Canada